Monday, July 21, 2014

Class Sign-Out

Welcome to Management Monday once again! This week we are looking at sign-out procedures in the middle school classroom.

These procedures could be modified for an elementary or high school classroom, but here I am using them for an 8th grade math class. (I will add a picture of the bulletin board when it is finished.)

I created a table that students will fill out when they leave the classroom. It includes their name, the day of the week, the destination, their time out, time in, and minutes lost. I am going to give my students 10 points a week for participation. However, I am going to deduct from this grade one point for each minute of class they miss. (tardies and absences not included) One big reason I included the minutes lost section is so that students calculate their own minutes when they return to class. I will also use it to write "exempt" if I send them out for some reason (office errand, etc.). I am hoping that this keeps students honest about when they need to use the restroom. I also hope that this will help to get them back into class quickly. Here is a picture of the table.

I also went ahead and made signs for my bulletin board. I will have a different sheet for each hour (half-sheet actually). Then when a sheet is full, I'll move it to the Notes section of my teacher binder to keep for my records. I will use this to figure points at the end of the week and use at conference time if necessary. I also made a quick label of the different destinations they should be writing. Here is a picture of the labels.

You can download the table for free from my TPT store by clicking HERE.

My plan now is to reevaluate this system at the end of the first quarter. Hopefully, it will work like a dream! However, it is middle school and it is my first year in 8th grade, so I may end up changing things up for the second quarter. If you decide to use, let me know how it works for you!

Happy Monday!

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